WRN Broadcast services for MBC
September 19, 2013
WRN Broadcast and MBC have announced a partnership that sees the London-based broadcast managed services provider responsible for a range of broadcast services for the Dubai-based commercial broadcasting company.
WRN Broadcast has a strong reputation for global broadcasting projects, having worked with NHK World for almost a decade, enabled the launch the East African triple-play provider Zuku and most recently agreed an international distribution deal with UK-based Channel 4’s Box TV.
MBC was the first private free-to-air satellite broadcasting company in the Arab World, launching in London in 1991 and later relocating to UAE (in 2002). The MBC Group network includes both commercial radio and television services and reaches over 77 per cent of MENA satellite households.
David Treadway, CEO, WRN Broadcast, said: “WRN Broadcast is privileged to work with some of the greatest broadcasters in the world and we’re all thrilled to have the opportunity to include MBC in this as we partner with them on a range of broadcast managed services over the coming years. This project shows how we work with a client to understand their broadcast objectives and how our flexible and fast approach, alongside our expertise in certain key areas, can be used to realise the ambitions of the world’s major broadcasting powers.”