xTV Connected TV platform
October 17, 2013
xTV, a Silicon Valley based company pioneering the new, has announced the deployment of its Connected TV and Media Management platform, featuring some of the world’s best known brands.
The xTV platform enables organisations to build their own enterprise media network that organises all of the enterprise video, social & breaking news into a Real-time TV experience where the viewers can lean back and watch content on a big screen or lean into their mobile device.
“We’re extremely proud to announce big brands such as Microsoft as our first major deployments onto the new platform,” said Joe Ward, CEO at xTV. “Iconic brands are now seeing exponential growth in their media assets, particularly on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. The xTV platform brings all these assets back together in one place where viewers can watch and engage with them in real-time. One of the really cool things is all of these streams coming together—it’s your own TV channel,” said Matt Thompson, General Manager of Development at Microsoft in a CBS TV interview regarding xTV.
The platform and networks are live now and can be accessed through the xTV web site, xtv-inc.com.