Russia Today in trouble with Ofcom
July 22, 2014
By Chris Forrester
Russia Today, a Moscow-based 24-hour news channel that is licensed by UK regulator Ofcom to broadcast in Britain as well as the rest of Europe and beyond, is facing enquiries by the regulator over the lack of balance in its news reports and slanted reporting of the news out of the Ukraine.
Russia Today has already seen a British journalist resign “in disgust” over its lack of balance and bias. In March a US reporter dramatically resigned on air while delivering a news report saying she could no longer tolerate the “whitewashing of Putin” by the channel.
Ofcom, in a statement, said it had received complaints about Russia Today’s coverage of the Malaysian aircraft disaster. “These are currently under assessment and a decision whether to investigate will be made in due course” said Ofcom.
Despite being Russia based and financed the channel is required to follow the UK’s well-established guidelines on balance and impartiality in presenting the news. The channel has already been found guilty of breaching regulations over its slanted coverage of events in Syria.