NanoTech large-format films for UltraFlix 4K network
August 8, 2014
NanoTech Entertainment, a pioneer in bringing the 4K Ultra-HD experience to consumers, has entered into an agreement securing the rights to Giant Screen features. With the agreement, NanoTech’s UltraFlix 4K Ultra HD network will offer 15 films originally produced for IMAX and other Giant Screen theatres.
4K Studios, a NanoTech subsidiary, will use its film proprietary post-production processing technology to deliver films originally captured on 70MM film to consumers in streaming digital 4K over Internet connections that are available today. The format has roughly 18 thousand lines of resolution, making it ideal for delivering in the 4K digital format. Many of these films have been scanned in 8K resolution, and then down-converted to a pristine 4K format. With these new Giant Screen titles, UltraFlix subscribers will be able to choose from more than 350 hours of sci-fi, action/thriller, comedy, drama and family movies as well as knock-your-socks-off extreme sports videos, concerts, TV shows, special events and moving murals in addition to 100 hours of free content.
“The demand for 4K content is growing even faster than analysts originally anticipated, and I’m pleased with how swiftly NanoTech has secured major 4K content deals that I’m sure consumers will get excited about,” said Tom Cosgrove of NanoTech’s Content Advisory Board. “NanoTech’s 4K workflow will allow these Giant Screen Features to be seen as they were intended in Ultra-High resolution and will expand the audience for these beautiful films.”