Qarva Multiscreen for Silknet
October 21, 2014
IPTV/OTT software solution provider, Qarva has launched the new product, Qarva Multiscreen with Silknet, Georgia’s largest telecom operator.
Qarva and Silknet have a long-standing partnership. 5 years ago Qarva launched the Silknet’s new Interactive TV service, SilkTV. Customers gained the ability to pause Live TV, slow motion from Live TV, rewind back and forward fast and smoothly, fast zapping. SilkTV has reached the leader place in Georgian payTV market, as it became the most wanted product for the subscribers for its usability and high QoE.
Now Qarva and Silknet are celebrating the launch of a new product. This is Qarva Multiscreen – SilkTV app for Smartphones, Tablets, SmartTVs, PC, Mac and other web devices. This product gives the subscribers the same TV viewing experience like as SilkTV. Viewers can consume TV service anywhere, anytime and on any device. This application allows viewing of live TV channels as well as recordings by choosing desired TV program via Electronic Program Guide. TimeShifting function also allows to go directly to the specified time in the TV channel recording. What’s so special in this new product, is that Multiscreen Smart App has the ability to rewind back and forward very fast and smoothly.
“Qarva’s main goal is to have Best User Experience”, said George Mikeladze, CEO at Qarva. “And we are proud that a long-standing partnership with Silknet was strengthened during these years, and today we launched one more unique product for Silknet. We believe, that Qarva Multiscreen, Silk app for Silknet, will achieve the same success as SilkTV did. We wish Silknet all the best and more and more success in business.”
“We would like to thank Qarva for the job they did for us”, said Bacho Chinchaladze, Commercial Director at Silknet. “Our Interactive TV was launched by Qarva Software Solutions 5 years ago. And now we are proud to extend the partnership and announce new SilkTV app with Qarva Multiscreen. We wish success to Qarva and look forward for future successful partnership.”
About Qarva: Qarva innovates cutting edge unique technology for IPTV, OTT and Hybrid TV industry. Our novel software products and solutions are designed with the characteristic of quick implementation having direct market impact through service enhancement.
Designed and developed by a team with 10 years project experience in the IPTV industry, Qarva software solutions create the best user experience. Next generation technology coupled with forward looking innovation alongside industry proven service and support keeps Qarva on the forefront of the IPTV, OTT and Hybrid TV industries.
Qarva innovates software solutions for the existing or new IPTV/OTT/Hybrid TV ecosystems. Products, being constantly developed throughout 10 years lifetime, create best user experience.
Qarva FastSwitch provides Fastest TV Channel Change Time, 0.2 sec and Packet Loss Recovery Technologies.
Qarva aQua Video Server offers highest capacity of timeshifting streams equaling 100Gbps per regular commercial server hardware. Instant and smooth rewind from Live TV is the best in industry.
Qarva Multipipe – OTT Streaming Technology uses viewer’s full bandwidth, enabling UltraHD viewing experience over Internet. This technology features No Delay from Live TV, Fastest TV Channel Change Time and Instant Timeshifting.
About Silknet: Silknet is the main Telecom in Georgia. Silknet offers consumers comprehensive telecommunications packages: Telephone, Internet, Television.The management’s top priority is to offer a new, consistent kind of service to the customer. The Silknet product-developing group is working fervently to develop innovative and customer oriented services. The purpose of the company is to secure a leading position in the telecommunication sphere by maximally satisfying customer interests by offering innovative products, establishing new services and increasing the market share and profitability.