MPAA welcomes trade promotion vote
May 26, 2015
By Colin Mann
MPAA Chairman and CEO Senator Chris Dodd has welcomed the passage of trade promotion authority – legislation that defines US negotiating objectives and priorities for trade – agreement in the Senate.
“We are very pleased with the Senate’s vote to advance trade promotion authority (TPA). The American motion picture industry relies heavily on trade with foreign markets for economic growth that creates jobs here at home. Our industry supports 1.9 million American jobs, generating over 70 per cent of theatrical revenue overseas and registering a positive services trade surplus of $13.4 billion. Today’s passage of TPA is an important step towards completing meaningful trade agreements like TPP that will allow our industry to continue this growth in some of the world’s largest and most important markets,” he stated.
Dodd said the MPAA looked forward to continue working with Congress to advance TPA “expeditiously” in the House.