Dolby Labs VP: “Prepare for 4,000 Nits displays”
January 11, 2017
By Chris Forrester
Television displays are going to get brighter, according to Dolby Labs VP/Technology Patrick Griffis. Speaking at a CES panel, Griffis suggested that the next battleground in display technology will be over brightness.
Today’s high-end Ultra-HD displays generally handle up to 1000 ‘Nits’. A ‘nit’ (from the Latin word nitere, to shine) is a photometric unit of Luminance and is commonly used as a measure of light emitted. The UHD Alliance’s High Dynamic Range standard is set at 1,000 nits.
“Have no doubt about it, the nits race is on. It will be 2,000 nit displays, and I suspect before too long, 4,000 nit consumer displays,” he told CES delegates. Griffis added that Dolby’s own experiments showed that viewers can perceive brightness benefits in excess of 10,000 nits.
Griffis reminded delegates that his company’s Dolby Vision master their output at 4,000 nits.