SSL satellite for Embratel Star One
October 30, 2017
Maxar Technologies, a communications and information company providing technology solutions to organisations worldwide, has announced that SSL, a business unit of Maxar Technologies, signed a contract to provide a multi-mission communications satellite – Star One D2 – to Embratel Star One. The satellite, will improve access to high quality entertainment and information services for consumers and businesses in Latin America, and expands broadband coverage to new regions, helping to provide Internet access to underserved populations. It also provides an updated X-band payload for government use.
“Star One D2 is the third satellite we will provide to Embratel Star One,” said Dario Zamarian, group president at SSL. “We believe there is no better endorsement of our capabilities than return customers and we look forward to again working together as a team to build this powerful and highly-advanced satellite.”
Star One D2 is equipped with C-, Ku-, Ka- and X-band payloads for high-speed telecommunications, television broadcast and fast broadband in South America, Mexico, Central America, and parts of the Atlantic Ocean.