MyZen TV 4K launches in Russia
July 12, 2019
The well-being channel MyZen TV in partnership with THEMA has announced its first launch in Russia on the pay TV platform Planeta.
Planeta was founded in 2003 and reaches more than 100K households in Ekaterinburg region, being now the one of the first operators in Russia broadcasting 4K content.
MyZen TV 4K started broadcasting their new 100 per cent native 4K signal on July 1st with premium content and lifestyle programmes around the four thematic pillars of the chain: daily well-being, life changes, escape, body and soul.
“We are very proud to launch MyZen TV’s 4K linear signal with native 4K programmes produced mostly by MyzenTV. The 4K is a new milestone in the chain’s development and demonstrates that well-being and technology can go hand-in-hand”, commented Nela Pavlouskova, managing director of MyZen TV.
“We are happy that the first launch of MyZen TV 4K happens in Russia, which enables our audience to watch their favourite programmes in the best quality. Of course, for THEMA RUS it’s also a new significant step of long-term cooperation with MyZen TV “, says Natalya Kabikova, managing director of THEMA RUS.
THEMA has been distributing MyZen TV since 2009 in Russia and CIS and the channel is now cooperating with the main largest and medium platforms in the area.