Advanced Television

Amagi named Supplier of the Year by Herring Networks

December 17, 2020

Herring Networks, the owner and operator of national cable networks One America News Network (OAN) and AWE, has announced that Amagi has been chosen as its Supplier of the Year for 2020.

“We’ve been fortunate to have numerous outstanding suppliers supporting our content operations. Yet this year, Amagi’s technical support in linear channel creation, distribution, and monetization has been nothing short of exceptional”, stated Robert Herring Sr, CEO of Herring Networks.

Herring Networks recognises only a single supplier for its highly coveted Supplier of the Year award chosen by in-house staff members from numerous departments.

Amagi, this year’s recipient, played a critical role in Herring Networks’ successful deployment and monetisation of two free, ad-supported television (FAST) channels under the OAN Encore and AWE Encore brand names, along with subscription CTV monetisation of Herring’s primary cable services.

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