Advanced Television

SES requests Mago as witness in Intelsat dispute

September 20, 2021

SES, in a filing with Intelsat’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy court, says it wants Jane Mago as an expert witness in its dispute with Intelsat.

Mago will speak as a witness on the general subject matter of her recent report which covers arguments regarding which Intelsat entity is entitled to any potential FCC accelerated relocation payments and relevant case law, and Intelsat’s own representations on the subject.

Mago was the FCC’s attorney and chief counsel and had a 26-year career at the FCC, retiring in 2004. She worked as the FCC’s litigator in many actions covering the broadcasting industry.

Mago then joined the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) until retiring in 2014. She served NAB as EVP/General Counsel. She is a member of the New York Bar. Mago has an extensive background in appellate litigation and expertise in Constitutional issues (particularly First Amendment matters), FCC ownership rules, political broadcasting, administrative law, enforcement and licensing matters.

She is now a consultant in media policy and law and a member of The Federalist Society.

Her expert input will be – no doubt – contested by other experts with a number of the other parties involved in the Intelsat bankruptcy also saying they have engaged industry specialists to prepare reports.

At the moment, none of the reports have been made public, although some – or perhaps all – will be released with the usual heavy redactions.

Categories: Blogs, Business, Inside Satellite, Policy

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