Advanced Television

Nick Snow

Nick Snow

Nick Snow is the founder of Advanced Television Ltd and is publisher & editor-in-chief of and Euromedia. In 1984 he worked on the debut issue of Cable & Satellite Europe, and over the years his companies have published many of the industry’s most highly regarded titles. He is also a screenwriter, producer and playwright.

Do telcos and TV really mix?

I know, the question sounds ‘so last century’. Today, it seems natural that any organisation that possesses the infrastructure that can carry content to the home should do so – it is a competitive necessity. There is no argument on that, and many telcos have made a big success of their television proposition either acting […]

March 6, 2017

Nothing Neutral about Trump

Journalism might be the first draft of history (as well as a lot of less honourable or important things) but, even so, it is too early to be bringing a name to our current era. But there can be little doubt that in the fullness of time, The Age of Unpredictability will be a candidate. […]

February 8, 2017

Sky v Discovery: Russian Roulette

It’s like the 70s all over again, suddenly the world is all about brinkmanship. President Trump seems keen to confront all except President Putin, his only serious rival for biggest ego on the planet. But they’ll fall out and the planets will collide; hopefully in a hissy twitter spat rather than a shooting war. Talking […]

January 27, 2017

An Echo of the future….

There was a kind of funny story all over the press here last week. Amazon Echoes in California (where else) started ordering doll’s houses for their owners. In a true case of echoes within echoes, a local TV show in San Diego was reporting how a young girl had told Alexa – the Echo’s operating […]

January 10, 2017

Murdoch: Back in the room

How often can a whole intricate takeover saga, ranging over months, be brought to mind by the phrase ‘the custard pie incident.’ The incident, of course, was patriarch Rupert taking one for the team when he made his mea culpa appearance before the Commons media committee in 2011 as he sought to limit the ever-spreading […]

December 13, 2016

Openreach: An open and shut case

Frustrated by the ‘don’t worry we know best’ negotiating stance of the UK’s incumbent telco BT, regulator Ofcom has finally made the first move to legally split the broadband provider from the rest of the company – specifically notification of the European Commission of the beginning of the separation process. Of course, this in itself […]

November 29, 2016

AT&T/Time Warner: Too big to fail. Or succeed?

The mega-media- merger to end all mega… etc. That is until the next one comes along. Except – if it goes ahead – this really might be the last of this kind of deal. This takeover will be sold hard as a ‘traditional’ vertical integration play – a content owner and a pipes owner come […]

October 24, 2016

UHD over promised and under-delivered?

If I had to choose an industry not to be in as the digital world looms larger than ever, I might well choose printing (which reminds me: read the Sep/Oct issue of Euromedia here). In 2016, it is a savagely tough way to make a living. But not all that far behind on your list […]

September 29, 2016

CPE and the obesity debate

In the July/August issue of Euromedia is our Annual Survey of the CPE sector; providers and vendors views on where we are and where we are going – in the age of the cloud and the virtualised world, what kind of set top will subscribers homes need? The debate has a first world problem feel […]

September 1, 2016

UK takes a bullet for BT

A number of headlines today advise that BT has dodged a bullet as Ofcom has not forced it to sell Openreach. The market agrees, and BT shares picked up 3 per cent on the news. Meanwhile, shares in UK plc sunk further than ever as the bullet BT dodged further wounded the country’s already bleeding […]

July 26, 2016