Advanced Television

Benchmarking initiative to be unveiled at Convergence India

January 14, 2013

GVF will be launching a new benchmarking initiative at Convergence India from 16th to 18th January, aimed at helping satellite providers across India become more efficient and reduce instances of satellite interference.

The initiative will see GVF providing an audit service to companies, enabling them to better understand their roles and responsibilities relating to provision of satellite services. The benchmarking service will cover a number of areas, including personnel skill level and product quality. Following any necessary training or other services, GVF will then issue a seal of good housekeeping to companies undergoing the benchmarking initiative, as well as promoting those companies through its channels.

“More and more new satellite services are being rolled out across India and globally,” commented Riaz Lamak, GVF. “It is difficult for distributors and service providers to keep up-to-date with developments and we hope this benchmarking initiative will enable them to further their knowledge as well as helping them to become more efficient.”

“Companies undergoing this benchmarking initiative will not only improve their level of service, but also gain standing and recognition in a competitive marketplace,” commented David Hartshorn, Secretary General, GVF. “It will also help them reduce the costly problem of satellite interference, something we are working hard to mitigate across the globe.”

Riaz Lamak from GVF shall be at the Convergence, where we will be working to heighten awareness for recent innovations in the satellite industry. Programs for Capacity Building like Satcom Training; Enhancing performance quality and stability thru Network Validation;  Product Quality Assurance; Programs including Societal initiatives like Disaster Mitigation, Tele-Health; Distance Education, as well as other programs for Military communication, eGovernance; etc…, can be discussed.

Categories: Press Releases