Phorm new execs and political fans
March 12, 2009
Phorm, the provider for behavioural advertising systems to ISPs, has made two senior appointments to help it win ISPs over: Sarah Simon comes in as financial and strategic development officer, joining from Morgan Stanley, while former digital general manager at Telegraph Media Group Mike Moore joins as global commercial director.
Despite extensive trials with BT, Phorm has yet go live in the UK, let alone globally and other potential triallists like Orange and Guardian Group have back-pedalled on privacy concerns. Chief exectuive Kent Ertugrul recently said Phorm’s Open Internet Exchange will “definitely be online by the end of the year”.
Meanwhile UK Comms Minister Lord Carter said that targeted advertising could play an important role “I agree that Phorm is another example of an interesting and innovative business which is trying to provide a service to users and advertisers in a new market”. Carter seemed to imply Phorm and others could be an important counterweight to the increasing dominance of Google in online advertising.