Meo VOD service sets new record
March 23, 2009
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Movie rentals via the Videoclube VOD service of Portuguese IPTV operator Meo have registered a new record with more than 5000 clients watching 'Mamma Mia' and 'The Dark Knight, in four days.
In total, more than two million videos have already been rented by Meo clients, who can select movies from NBC Universal, Disney, Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers. Besides movies, clients also have access to documentaries, music concerts and children's content.
Portugal Telecom's triple-play service Meo will add the AXN HD channel to its basic offer of channels, starting from April 6, the date of the channel's launch in Portugal. It will also be available to clients of Meo's DTH service. In the IPTV offer, the AXN channel is already available in the thematic package Meo Entretenimento that PT clients can include as part of their basic package, with no additional cost.