Glickman backs anti-piracy measures
May 22, 2009
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) Chairman and CEO Dan Glickman has called for governments around the world to increase efforts to protect intellectual property. Glickman noted that dealing with escalating IP theft is especially needed during these difficult economic times as the creative industries generate millions of jobs each year, including 2.5 million jobs created by the motion picture industry alone.
Speaking to the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus (IAPC), he said "I appreciate the efforts of IAPC as they recognize that our future place in the world will be determined less by the of our brows and more by the value created with our minds and that value is worth protecting."
The IAPC has released the 2009 Priority Watch List which highlights five countries where piracy has reached alarming levels. This year the group identified Canada, China, Mexico, Russia and, for the first time, Spain.