Movistar to launch HD on mobile phones
May 26, 2010
From David Del Valle in Paris
Mobile operator Movistar is launching HD TV services through Apple’s iPhone at a fee of E4 to E5 a month.
There will be four HD TV packages available: the first, called Futbol will include Gol TV and Tribuna’s six channels and Multigol; other thematic packages will be Musica, composed of 7 channels; Latino, 5 channels; and Infantil, 9 channels.
Apart from those HD packages, subscribers will be able to have access to a wider TV offer through the package called Emocion TV, with 30 channels at E5 a month. Digital Plus package, with 22 channels, will also be available.
To enjoy HDTV, subscribers will have to download a free-of-charge application from Apple Store. According to the Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT), Movistar is leading the (3G) mobile TV market in Spain with 235,833 clients as of December 31, with a market share of 68.1 per cent. Vodafone is second with 97,395 and a penetration of 28.1 per cent, with Orange in third place with 13,300 clientes and a market share of 3.8 per cent.