SES restructures senior management
May 2, 2011
By Chris Forrester
Satellite operator SES has restructured its senior management. The decision was flagged some weeks ago at the company’s AGM, and sees the former subsidiary operating companies of SES Astra and SES World Skies come together under a streamlined management structure.
A new executive committee of senior management emerges under the presidency/CEO position of Romain Bausch.
– Romain Bausch, President and CEO
– Andrew Browne, Chief Financial Officer,
– Martin Halliwell, Chief Technology Officer,
– Ferdinand Kayser, Chief Commercial Officer
– Gerson Souto, Chief Development Officer
Robert Bednarek, formerly President and CEO of SES World Skies, will assume a new role as strategic advisor to the SES President and CEO.
“We are excited to serve our customers with a single face to the market and with our global fleet. By adapting our organisation, we expect to optimise the execution of our growth strategy and to maximise the potential for our satellites in emerging markets, to which the vast majority of our incremental upcoming capacity is dedicated,” explained Romain Bausch, President and CEO of SES. “By streamlining the management structure of SES Astra, SES World Skies and SES Engineering, we expect to be in a stronger position to adapt to changes in the global market, and to continue to help our customers grow their businesses. The new organisational structure is also anticipated to deliver enhanced efficiencies with corresponding revenue, operating expense and EBITDA synergies for ongoing and future growth.”