MRG unveils IPTV vendor RankTracker
June 10, 2011
Multimedia Research Group (MRG) has unveiled its new RankTracker system that allows semi-annual rank monitoring for over 100 IPTV Vendors across geography and millions of active subscribers, allowing new levels of detail in regional market ranking.
The new RankTracker provides instant display of which vendors have moved up or down in each product area since the last MLR. “RankTracker allows vendors to easily track their own regional and global rankings every six months,” said Jose Alvear, Senior IPTV Analyst at MRG. “For example, Alcatel-Lucent not only leads in Access, but can also track its new gains in global positions in VOD and Middleware.”
Additionally, RankTracker spotlights midsize Set-top Box and middleware vendors by the number of Service Provider customers they have in each of 5 different customer “Tiers” based on number of subscribers, with “Tier-1” customers having over 1 million IPTV subscribers, and Tier-5’s having under 49,999.
“By adding these Tiered breakdowns, we can give a much more detailed view of which vendors are working with smaller service providers, who often have different needs than large telcos,” said Alvear. “One of the most interesting findings is that some top smaller Vendors may be ranked low globally, but may actually have hundreds of smaller customers, which exceeds some of the large global IPTV vendors.”
In this way, RankTracker shows how midsize vendors like Amino, Entone, Espial, Minerva and others have higher rankings for their broad customer bases among smaller Operators, while also showing how some large companies are successfully expanding their share of market among the smaller Operators.