Brazil to get OneSeg measurement this year
July 14, 2011
By Chris Forrester
OneSeg is the mobile phone TV service that piggybacks on to the ISDB-T hybrid digital terrestrial transmissions system. Brazil is installing ISDB-T throughout the country. Ibope Media, which is partnered with Nielson Online in Brazil, has been contracted to start measuring the impact and viewership of the ISDB-T OneSeg mobile transmissions.
OneSeg is being transmitted by Vivo (a Telefonica company) which is using Samsung supplied mobile phones. Each user of these OneSeg devices has built-in metering software that measures usage. The user gives his socio-demographic data when signing up.
The first region to participate is Sao Paulo, to be followed by Rio de Janeiro, and providing there are no glitches the system will go nationwide. The initial roll-out will begin about now, and the national plan is designated for next year.