C4 to trial Zeebox
November 14, 2011
Channel 4 has kicked off a trial to explore what kind of bespoke content best suits the features of the social, second-screen TV app Zeebox.
Zeebox, a cloud-based service designed to synchronise a user’s Twitter and Facebook social graphs to let viewers synchronise what they are watching on TV, launched last month. The app, which works on PCs and tablets and is soon to roll out on iPhones, pulls in live TV programme information and related Apple apps in real time.
“Zeetags” analyses live TV second-by-second across 50 UK TV channels. This means it can show additional information, related news and products, along with apps that are related to topics from the TV programmes. It can also track real-time audience viewing figures.
Channel 4’s aim is to explore how to capitalise on these features, by launching additional, bespoke content related to Desperate Scousewives that can then be picked up by the Zeebox app.
This includes a bespoke Twitter app that aggregates all activity and chat related to the show. It is also planning to run additional, exclusive video content, and music information available via iTunes. The same additional content will also be available on E4.com.