TVGuide: Catch up not cord-cutting drives streaming
October 18, 2012
A new study suggests that consumers’ devotion to TV programming remains strong – even though more of them are watching it online or on tablets.
The results of a survey by found that 42 per cent of US TV viewers reported watching more streamed content this year over last year.
While the lion’s share (73 per cent) of those who were streaming more TV content said it was because they were catching up on missed episodes, 8 per cent said it was because of cutting back on cable and 10 per cent reported it was because they had cancelled their cable altogether.
“That’s not to say everyone is cord cutting, or that cord cutting is the dominant factor, but it’s a factor,” said Christy Tanner, TVGuide’s exec-VP and general manager.
The study also indicated a willingness to pay for content. Of the respondents who pay for video from services like Netflix, and Hulu Plus, 30 per cent reported that they’re watching more of it now than they did in 2011. Meanwhile, 68 per cent are watching between one and five hours of video per week on tablets and mobile phones, and mobile users are paying for 10 per cent of their streamed content.
The study also found that 47 per cent of respondents said they had “co-viewed” TV at home, meaning that one member of the household had watched programming on their iPad in the same room as a family member watching something on the TV set, for example. This could bring an end to the phenomenon of buying different TV sets for the home so that family members don’t end up fighting over control of the remote.
“What they’re going to do is buy more [mobile] devices, all come back to the living room, and at least be together while they’re watching,” noted Tanner.