Indian MSOs still down on digital
November 22, 2012
By Chris Forrester
Indian able operators in Madras state, and in particular members of the Chennai Cable Operators Assoc (CMCOA), are still looking to extend the deadline to switch off their analogue TV signals.
The original mandated switch-off ought to have taken place this past summer, and was then extended to October 31st, then again to November 5th, November 9th and now November 19th – all dates which have been missed.
Now the MSOs are further challenging the legality of the switch-off obligation, mandated by India’s Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in April this year, and under the Cable Television Network Rules law enacted earlier this year.
The extensions were granted by the Madras High Court, and currently there is another delaying action running in the Court based on the failure of India’s bureaucracy to yet formally issue a digital transmission licence to Arasu Cable, a major local operator, and the ‘partner’ supplier to many smaller operators.