Hulu Plus surpasses 4m subs
May 1, 2013
Hulu surpassed four million subscribers for its premium Hulu Plus service in Q1 — and for the first time streamed more than 1 billion videos in a quarter. The online TV provider generated record revenues of $695 million last year, up 65 per cent over 2011.
CEO Andy Forrsell also revealed that mobile viewing will account for approximately 15 per cent of Hulu’s video consumption in 2013 and 2014. Meanwhile, nearly 30 per cent of Hulu use is done via the TV in the living room, with 80 per cent of users watching content with someone else.
Hulu says it has 11 original and exclusive shows or series ready to run to try and maintain momentum. “For us, it’s a quality bar,” Forrsell said. “We’re sitting next to the best of what was on TV last night. That’s the bar for our original programming.”