India approves GSAT-15 and 16
July 1, 2013
By Chris Forrester
India’s cabinet has approved the building and launching of two giant new communications ssattellites (GSAT-15 and GSAT16). The task of procuring and coordinating the build and launch aspects are ceded to India’s state Research Organisation (ISRO).
India already has 9 active satellites with a combined capacity of some 195 transponders.
GSAT-15 will provide redundancy and add extra capacity in Ku-band for the Indian sub-Continent. GSAT-15 has a design/build schedule of just 18 months.
GSAT-16 will have a somewhat different overall mission. While it will provide back-up services it will also augment and add extra capacity for TV, VSAT and other key services. The build schedule is 24 months.