upc cablecom buys Carouge network
July 3, 2013
The city of Carouge in the canton of Geneva has sold its 51 per cent share in Télécarouge SA to upc cablecom. Switzerland’s largest provider of TV– which already held a 45 per cent share in Télécarouge.
More and more municipalities and cities in Switzerland no longer consider investing in and maintaining their own telecommunications network to be one of their core tasks. Now, the city of Carouge in the canton of Geneva has decided to sell its majority share in its own cable network covering 8,000 households to the professionals. upc cablecom previously owned 49 per cent of Carouge’s cable network, Télécarouge SA. After considering the various options carefully, the city of Carouge decided to hand over control of the remaining 51 per cent to upc cablecom effective immediately.