Veri-Site combats IP theft to support ad industry
July 22, 2013
Veri-Site has announced the readiness of its risk-relevant intelligence and management tools to support the voluntary set of best practices and guidelines for ad networks to address piracy and counterfeiting brought forth by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), and other leading ad networks. Support for the industry initiative was announced by the White House’s Office of the US Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC), today, and is available immediately.
Working across the industry, the new best practices are intended to help reduce the financial incentives for pirate sites by cutting off their revenue supply while allowing internet activity to flourish.
Veri-Site’s subscription-based, risk-relevant intelligence database and dynamic tool set were created to assist the IAB, advertising agencies and ad networks in protecting financial assets and brand reputations in the rapidly expanding battle against ‘rogue’ websites and threats such as online piracy and counterfeiting. Such tools will facilitate the ad industry’s ability to follow best practices and prohibit websites that are primarily dedicated to selling counterfeit goods or engaging in copyright piracy from participating in the ad networks’ advertising programs. “The good news,” said Cary Sherman, Recording Industry Association of America’s Chairman and CEO, “is that today there are independent businesses that provide intellectual property risk assessments of websites, and can help responsible companies independently assess whether they want to do business with rogue sites.”
Veri-Site addresses the unique challenges of each sector in the interconnected ecosystem of online business transactions, including intellectual property owners, ad agencies, ad networks,payment processors, and banks. “We’re already working with key players in each of these business sectors,” said Dan Peak, CEO and founder of Veri-Site, “and our ability to address the directives of the White House and the world’s leading ad networks puts us in an excellent position to help protect intellectual property owners from illegal activities.”