Orange and Aethra test FTTdp in Warsaw
February 5, 2014
Orange Polska is working with Aethra Telecommunications to test the possibilities offered by the Fibre-to-the-Distribution-Point (FTTdp) technology.
The FTTdp architecture is based on the concept of using the last tens of meters of copper to overcome the issues related to fibre cabling inside existing buildings, giving the operators lower costs and guaranteed deployment times.
Fibre is cabled up to the basement / floor of the building, where single user GPON to VDSL2 nodes are installed; the FTTdp nodes are then “reverse powered” over the same copper pairs used for data, thanks to a power supply connected in the home of the customer.
FTTdp will give to Orange Polska customers the same triple play experience and services offered to FTTH customers, with 200Mbps download speeds, voice and IPTV.
Lab tests were finalised in December and field trial in Warsaw started early January will take several months.