Serbia: €31m national tender for DTT
February 26, 2014
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Serbia’s Emisiona Tehnika i Veze, a public company for the management of the country’s broadcasting infrastructure, has announced it will call a tender to procure equipment in the second or third quarter of 2014.
The company plans to use funds from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to finance the second phase of the transition from analogue to digital TV broadcasting in the country.
The planned project, estimated to cost €30.7 million, requires the purchase of equipment necessary for the setting up of a network of three DTT multiplexes. The first multiplex should covered at least 95 per cent of the population, while the second and third should have at least 90 per cent coverage.
The tender will be for network equipment, equipment necessary for broadcasting and transmission, high powered antenna systems, components for small antenna systems, measuring equipment and devices for backup and uninterrupted power supply.
The tender also includes infrastructure rehabilitation and reconstruction plus consulting services.