FilmoTV launches FilmoMag
September 10, 2014
From Paoli-Lebailly Pascale in Paris
French VoD platform FilmoTV has confirmed the launch of FilmoMag, an on-demand channel dedicated to cinema and available across all screens as well as on Youtube.
This service is available for €6.99 per month on PCs, on smart TVs (LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony), tablets, smartphones (Android and IOS), consoles (PS3, PS4), as well on Box Free, Numericable, Orange, TeVolution and Videofutur.
Ahead of Netflix’s launch next Monday in France, all VoD and SVoD French operators are renewing their offers.
French cable op Numericable will launch a rival service branded SérieFlix, deputy CEO Jérôme Yomtov has told financial daily Les Echos. The platform, which could take the form of a pay VoD service lining-up thousands of TV series episodes, is currently being beta-tested and should be launched very soon.
Numericable’s LaBox Fibre will launch a new a teaser campaign in the next few days. Numericable already has three local subscription VoD services, Jook, Filmo TV and OCS.
CanalPlay, which claims 500 000 subscribers while targeting one million, is also announcin a deal with HBO, and the upcoming production of exclusive series and original content. CanalPlay is also offering technical innovations such as the off-line download to go function and a new recommendation system entitled Suggest.