Vodafone Portugal to provide 1 Gbps access via NGN
March 11, 2015
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Vodafone Portugal is planning to introduce advanced devices for customers of its Fibre service that will allow them to, with a single device, achieve speeds of up to 1 Gbps.
This is part of the operator’s €500 million investment plan for the period 2014-2016 that aims to achieve national coverage of the fibre-based Next Generation Network (NGN).
With the latest-generation Fibre, customers will be able to access an innovative TV service with ultra high speed zapping on 100 channels in about 45 seconds, benefit from higher download and upload speeds, significantly improve the multimedia content sharing experience and enjoy online games.
Vodafone Portugal’s Fibre service currently covers 1.6 million homes and businesses, a figure that should exceed 2.1 million by the end of this year. A typical triple-play package (TV, Internet and fixed telephony) costs €25.90 per month.
The investments have already begun to pay off, with the fixed network customer base of Vodafone Portugal growing by 60 per cent.