Roku, Nielsen OTT measurement deal
April 30, 2015
Nielsen and Roku have announced an agreement that enables Nielsen to measure video advertising delivered to Roku players and Roku-powered smart TVs.
Initially Nielsen and Roku will enable OTT measurement through Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings. Content providers who sign up will have the ability to measure their audience according to Nielsen demographics and Digital Ad Ratings to measure, guarantee and report campaign audience delivery through the Roku platform.
Roku reported that over 100 of the most-watched channels on the Roku platform are ad-supported. Roku has over10 million devices in the U.S.
Nielsen and Roku said the agreement will enable ad campaigns to be measured on Roku’s digital platform using the same techniques that are applied to traditional TV.
The Nielsen deal will be part of a broader Roku offering called Roku Audience Solutions, launched at the ‘New Upfronts’ ad selling market. It said Roku Audience Solutions, the company will help its channels sell their video advertising more effectively using a new toolkit that is built into the SDK used by Roku publishers to launch streaming channels. The framework features IAB VAST processing, Innovid iRoll interactivity, and a new Roku ID for advertisers.