Sony’s new boss takes over
April 3, 2018
By Chris Forrester
Electronic giant Sony has a new CEO who started work April 2nd. Kenichiro Yoshida (58), who was previously the company’s CFO, took over from Kazuo Hirai who announced he would be stepping down some months ago.
Yoshida-san has more than a few challenges ahead of him, not least how to tame the $68 billion value business, and he has to make some fundamental decisions.
More or less in order of impact, they are:
- PlayStation 5, which Sony will be released next year. What – if anything – to follow it with?
- Columbia Pictures studios. Hold or sell?
- Image sensors. Sony has an impressive lead, but more investment is needed.
- Music. Its music catalogue is considered tired. Invest, or sell?
- Computer games. It sold its stake in Square Enix. Should it reinvest in games?
· Robotics. Sony has an appealing robot dog, Aibo. Endorse, or let it die?