ABS wants satellite partners
June 27, 2018
By Chris Forrester
Bermuda domiciled (but Philippines based) satellite operator ABS told delegates to the CASBAA event in Singapore that it was looking to develop partnerships with other operators and in the process make use of the company’s 15 potentially valuable satellite orbital slots and currently unused.
Jim Simpson is the new CEO at ABS (he took over from Tom Choi on December 22nd 2017) at the Permira-owned operation. Private equity group Permira has been looking to sell ABS for the past couple of years, and Simpson says his job is to get ABS sold.
Simpson says its two most recent satellites (ABS 2A and ABS 3A) were about 50 per cent filled, and his challenge was to get the remaining capacity sold.
ABS says it is targeting DTH markets in the Philippines, Mongolia and Indonesia.
ABS has six operational satellites working from five orbital slots and covering more than 90 per cent of the planet (ABS 2 at 75 deg East, ABS 2A at 75 deg East, ABS 3A at 3 deg West, ABS 4 at 61 deg East, ABS 6 at 159 deg East and ABS 7 at 116 deg East). ABS has orbital rights to 15 other slots, although some of these will expire in around two years or less if not ‘occupied’ within that time-frame.