MPAA updates content security best practices
August 16, 2018
By Colin Mann
As part of its dynamic improvement efforts, US movie industry trade body the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has announced the first update of its Content Security Best Practices since the formation of the Trusted Partner Network (TPN), which was launched in April 2018 in a joint venture with the Content Delivery and Security Association (CDSA), to raise and standardise the quality of assessors and to improve efficiency by reducing wasteful duplicative audits.
With the launch of TPN, current and future vendor assessments will be based upon the MPAA Best Practices, which are built into the TPN platform to create its core Common Controls. CDSA’s Content Protection Standard (CPS) remains in effect for previously audited facilities through March 31, 2019. Moving forward, the Best Practices will continue to be maintained by MPAA and will be updated regularly to reflect changes in the entertainment industry’s security landscape.
“This new MPAA Best Practices update finalises the programme’s transition to the TPN and reflects our association’s continued, 30-year-old commitment to strengthening security processes across production, post production, marketing and distribution,” explains TPN Chairman and MPAA Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel Dan Robbins.
“The MPAA Best Practices are designed to provide current and future third-party vendors with an understanding of general content security expectations, as well as a framework for assessing a facility’s ability to protect a client’s content,” says TPN Chief Operating Officer Kurt Fischer, “Understanding and applying the MPAA Best Practices is a great way for a facility and vendor to prepare for their TPN assessment.”