Ofcom: Draft ‘no-deal Brexit’ licences
February 22, 2019
By Colin Mann
UK media regulator Ofcom has published draft TV broadcast licences which it proposes to issue to new successful applicants in the event the UK leaves the EU without a withdrawal agreement in place (no-deal Brexit).
If the UK Government agrees an implementation period for Brexit with the EU, Ofcom understands that arrangements for the broadcasting sector will be unchanged for the duration of this period (currently until December 2020).
However, in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the regulation of television services in the UK would change, and some broadcasting licences will need to be amended to reflect that.
While existing licences would not immediately change in the event of no deal, Ofcom considers that some changes would be needed in the longer term. Accordingly, it welcomes informal comments on the draft licences before March 19th 2019. Subject to comments received, it proposes to issue these licences to new successful applicants from the date of exit.
In summer 2019, holders of existing licences for Television Licensable Content Services, Digital Television Programme Services and Digital Television Additional Services will have a further, and formal, opportunity to make representations on changes to their licences before Ofcom varies them to include the new licence conditions.