Report: EE leads on games experience
October 6, 2020
OpenSignal’s Games Experience metric is a measure of how mobile users experience real-time multiplayer mobile gaming on an operator’s network.
Measured on a scale of 0-100, it analyses how our users’ multiplayer mobile gaming experience is affected by mobile network conditions including latency, packet loss and jitter to determine the impact on gameplay.
EE is the first UK operator to win the Games Experience award and it has done so with a score of 72.3 — 1.3 points ahead of second-placed Vodafone.
Other highlights include:
– In 16 out of the 17 cities that we have researched in this report, EE users observed an Excellent Video Experience, while the same was only true for O2 and Vodafone users in Sheffield and Slough, respectively. In most of the cities studied, 3, O2 and Vodafone users enjoyed a Very Good Video Experience, though 3 users in Bristol and Hull had to settle for a Good Video Experience instead.
– EE users observed average download speeds above 40 Mbps in 14 cities. Vodafone did not obtain a Download Speed Experience score of 40 Mbps or higher in any of the 17 cities. Our users on 3’s network experienced average download speeds below 20 Mbps in four cities: Hull, London, Bristol and Belfast, while the same was true for O2 users in seven cities.
– In Belfast EE won on Games Experience, Download Speed Experience, Upload Speed Experience and 4G Availability. There was a three-way tie between EE, O2 and Vodafone on Video Experience and a draw between EE and Vodafone on Voice App Experience.
– In Cardiff, snapping up awards for Video Experience, Download Speed Experience and 4G Availability. Vodafone and EE were joint winners for Games Experience, Voice App Experience and Upload Speed Experience.
– Over in Edinburgh, EE won awards for four out of six metrics, tied with O2 on Games Experience and our users there observed a three-way tie on Voice App Experience between EE, O2 and Vodafone. The average download speed observed by EE users was more than 20 Mbps faster than that seen by those on the operator with the second highest score — O2.
– In London, EE won outright across all six measures of the mobile experience that were analysed at the city-level.