Advanced Television

Report: 48% of Spaniards have pay-TV

December 9, 2022

From David Del Valle in Madrid

Nearly half (48 per cent) of Spaniards are subscribed to pay-TV, according to CNMC’s data for the second quarter of the year, up 6 per cent versus the same period last year.

Some 40.5 per cent of all subscribers have a five-service convergence package (fixed and mobile telephony, Internet, and pay -V); 31.7 per cent with fixed and mobile telephony and Internet; 13.5 per cent mobile telephony and Internet; 6.5 per cent only telephony and 7.8 per cent other combinations.

ARPU in five-service packages stands at €80, going down to €45 for those with four services.

FTTH is present in 66.7 per cent of Spanish homes whereas ADSL is now in just 14.6 per cent.

Categories: Articles, Pay TV

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