ADB joins SBTi
July 3, 2023
ADB, an Enterprise and In-home solutions provider for Video and Telco operators, has become a member of SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative), a global movement helping to deliver a net-zero economy. SBTi enables businesses to set emissions reductions targets and accelerates companies across the world to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050.
The SBTi has approved ADB’s near-term science-based emissions reduction target where ADB commits to reducing its Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 42 per cent by 2030 from 2022 base year. By joining the SBTi, ADB is ensuring its climate action is aligned with the latest climate science. “ADB follows the principles of sustainable development, one of which is environmental stewardship. We recognise that corporate decarbonisation is essential in addressing the climate change and mitigating its potential impacts. Therefore, we are ready to take radical steps to achieve this goal. We encourage other companies, especially those operating in video and telecommunications industry, to join SBTi initiative and set a near-term target to limit their emissions as well,” commented Marie-Noelle Vulliez, EVP & Corporate Counsel at ADB.