Advanced Television

FCC authorises $18bn to expand US rural broadband

October 31, 2023

The Federal Communications Commission has issued a Public Notice that authorises approximately $18.28 billion (€17.1bn) in Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (Enhanced A-CAM) support for carriers that have accepted the offer of Enhanced A-CAM support in the states identified in its Authorisation Report for a 15-year period beginning January 1st 2024.  Collectively, these companies are committing to deploy broadband service of at least 100/20 Mbps service to over 700,000 locations and to maintain or improve existing 100/20 Mbps service to approximately 2 million locations in 44 states across the US.

In July 2023, the FCC adopted an order to establish the Enhanced A-CAM program. The Enhanced A-CAM programme provides universal service high-cost support to participating carriers to serve consumers with 100/20 Mbps or faster broadband service to all locations served by the programme, including some of the most difficult-to-reach areas of the country.

This modernised programme will provide additional universal service support to certain rural carriers in exchange for increasing deployment to more locations at higher speeds.  The programme also aligns deployment milestones with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Programme, requiring participating carriers to deploy to all locations within four years and also allows carriers that elect to participate in the Enhanced A-CAM program the opportunity to establish an enforceable commitment to locations they serve.

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