Advanced Television

OpenVault Marketing Insights platform on Nokia Altiplano Application Marketplace

March 26, 2024

OpenVault is continuing to broaden availability of its cloud-native broadband management and monetisation tools, announcing that its OpenVault Marketing Insights platform is now available on the Nokia Altiplano Application Marketplace.

Inclusion in the Altiplano Application Marketplace will accelerate the availability of OpenVault’s Marketing Insight platform for delivery of subscriber visibility and churn reduction benefits that impact broadband providers’ bottom lines. The cloud-based platform leverages customer upstream and downstream usage to identify subscriber-caused network congestion, as well as upgrade candidates who would benefit from more bandwidth based on usage behaviour.

The Altiplano Application Marketplace was launched by Nokia in October of 2022 as a hub for a partner ecosystem reflecting Nokia’s commitment to development of cloud-native, open-architecture applications that enhance broadband network operations. The OpenVault Marketing Insights platform is among the first third-party applications to be integrated into the marketplace.

OpenVault’s Marketing Insights platform includes three key components – OV Marketing Insights; Speed Clipping; and OV Traffic Analyzer. Together they provide:

  • Subscriber education that enhances consumer experiences by alerting subscribers to overall usage when data consumption thresholds that can affect performance are approached or met.
  • Upgrade alerts that increase ARPU and consumer satisfaction by helping subscribers align their broadband packages with actual usage.
  • A user-friendly portal that helps care representatives effectively handle incoming calls and proactively resolve subscriber needs.

“We created the Altiplano Application Marketplace to deliver apps – both in-house and third-party – that could improve business outcomes for Nokia customers,” said Geert Heyninck, General Manager of Broadband Networks at Nokia. “OpenVault’s Marketing Insights platform provides broadband providers with clear visibility into usage patterns, the impact on individual and service group experiences, and opportunities for upgrades and increased monetisation.”

“The need for tools that improve subscribers’ Quality of Experience continues to grow,” said Mark Trudeau, CEO and Founder of OpenVault. “Our Marketing Insights platform is designed to give broadband providers the tools their care teams need to help consumers understand the relationship between usage levels and network performance, as well as options that can boost subscriber satisfaction and ARPU.”

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