Advanced Television

Inside Satellite

Chris Forrester

Chris Forrester is one of the most experienced and highly regarded journalists in the field. His insight and analysis, particularly in the satellite and pay-TV arena, is highly prized. He has written for all the major business journals in the sector as well as several national newspapers.

SES gets cosy with Qatar

It seems everyone in the satellite business wants to cosy up to Qatar’s billions! A few weeks ago, Paris-based Eutelsat struck a “strategic alliance” to build a new satellite (from Space Systems/Loral). Now Luxembourg-based SES has signed a MoU with ictQatar covering the provision of joint satellite platforms, networks and services. The agreement was reached […]

June 9, 2011

BSkyB: Now the fun begins

A decision which will allow Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp to buy the 61 per cent of BSkyB that it does not already own is due any day now. The UK government is expected to give its approval to a take-over subject to the well-publicised decision to spin-off Sky News into a self-contained stand-alone business. The […]

June 4, 2011

Will Dish and DirecTV merge?

A possible merger between the USA’s two satellite pay-TV giants DirecTV and Dish Network is a topic that we have already covered earlier this year. Now, however, we have the fresh knowledge that newly appointed Dish Network CEO Joe Clayton also agrees it is a possibility.  This is not to say it will happen, of […]

May 26, 2011

SES: bank upbeat despite transponder glut

The market’s view of SES’ May 12 results remains positive despite the potential inventory of more than 20 unsold transponders currently used to beam analogue channels to German viewers.  There are also a few slippages in the upcoming six-satellite additions to the SES fleet this year. Indeed, investment bankers Morgan Stanley, in a note to […]

May 13, 2011

Sky Germany out-performs market

Sky Deutschland is Germany’s best-performing media stock this year, up 68 per cent, and helped by the consensus view that by about this time next year the company will have achieved its all-important target of 3 million subs and thus move into cashflow positive territory.  HDTV has proven to be the cornerstone of Sky-D’s success, […]

May 6, 2011By Chris Forrester

DirecTV to merge with Dish Network?

‘These two arch rival should come together’ is the message contained in an investor’s note from Bernstein Research’s highly-regarded media analyst Craig Moffett. He suggests that DirecTV and Dish Network should merge into one operation. He adds that satellite TV’s real enemy is cable, ADSL and just about everyone else supplying or streaming content, and […]

May 3, 2011

BSkyB: Now the fun begins

This Thursday will see BSkyB unveil its latest profit and subscriber numbers for its 3Q trading period to March 31st. Analysts are talking about net subscriber growth of some 40,000, and underlying profits up 15 per cent to £252 million. Annual average ARPU is also expected to top a spectacular £540 as the number of […]

April 25, 2011

TiVo decision will be costly for Dish

Last week’s Court decision in favour of DVR company TiVo looks like being mega-costly for EchoStar/Dish Network. The Court ruled that Dish must disable those set-top boxes that infringe on TiVo’s ‘Time Warp’ patent. EchoStar/Dish has requested a stay of the decision pending a further review of the case, but most analysts think Dish will […]

April 23, 2011

Iran creates havoc at ITU

Iran has been planning a satellite system, Zohreh, since the early 1990s and in March 2001 signed a major contract with Russia to design, build and launch a craft. This project was scrubbed, although in 2004 Iran said they would launch a craft by 2005. In Jan 2005 Russia and Iran signed another contract, valued […]

April 12, 2011

Satmex in Chapter 11

  Mexican satellite operator Satmex (Satelites Mexicanos) has filed for US Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Their plan for the struggling operator is to mount a pre-pack, where it raises fresh cash and speedily emerges – possibly within 30-90 days – as a new business with much-reduced debt. Court papers filed with the Delaware Bankruptcy Court […]

April 11, 2011