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Face it, Facebook’s not worth $95bn

Facebook has named the range for its impending IPO with a share price of $28-35. That’s an unusually wide range and targets a value between $85-95 billion; in other words a little caution has set in since talk of $100 billion+ and the chill is partly down to the surprise drop in profit YonY for […]

May 9, 2012 Nick Snow

Hunt is prey and will fall

While the Leveson Inquiry singularly failed to hold Rupert Murdoch to account – why are these government inquiries so useless at cutting to the truth? – its fall out continues to poison the water in many wells. The latest individual to be dragged into the stinky stuff is Jeremy Hunt, the DCMS Secretary of State […]

April 27, 2012 Nick Snow

Official: News Corp shareholders are powerless

When you don’t want the limelight, it seems like you just can’t shake it off. As more UK executives are arrested for bribing law enforcement and military officials, News Corps in America has had to suddenly, and arbitrarily, suspend the voting power of its foreign shareholders – holders that account for 36% of the stock. […]

April 20, 2012 Nick Snow

Murdoch, the first shoe falls

So James Murdoch has quit as chairman of BSkyB. That phrase implies he had a choice, which isn’t really true. The other investors in Sky – who, let us remember, own most of it – were getting nervous that under the continued scrutiny of Parliament and Ofcom the presence of Murdoch in the chair was, […]

April 5, 2012 Nick Snow

TV hacking: News Corp strength is its weakness

In terms of revelations, Panorama provided not much that wasn’t already known, or assumed, in the NDS hacking saga: Criminals allege criminal behaviour in the inevitably very murky world of encryption, hacking and counter measures. NDS admit hacking – to test its rival’s technology – and it is accepted as standard practice. NDS strenuously denies […]

March 27, 2012 Nick Snow

Hybrid answer to the bandwidth question

It’s time for IP&TV World Forum once again and hybrid solutions will be to the fore. The hybrid nature of the sector is reflected in the name of the event, shifting subtly from IPTV to IP&TV, reflecting the fact IP is now part of the normal scenery of the TV landscape and not a feature […]

March 15, 2012 Nick Snow

Payment by results?

By common consent, two types of employee in the modern world are vastly overpaid: bankers and footballers. The difference, again by common consent, is that if footballers don’t perform, it is obvious and they are got rid of – the Darwinism of the market. Whereas, bankers continue to earn vast sums despite their banks making […]

February 23, 2012 Nick Snow

One winner in neutrality game of chicken

It is ironic that the frontline in the net neutrality conflict has shifted to a country where broadband speed is more abundant than anywhere on earth. KT Telecom of Korea has announced it will ‘manage’ the broadband capacity it claims is being soaked up by Smart TV users. It says it must do so to […]

February 14, 2012 Nick Snow

Sky just upped the online stakes

And so it comes to pass: Sky on the Internet and available to all UK broadband subscribers. Dishes have been in Sky’s DNA from day one and they will be around for a long time, but making Sky open to all is a major evolutionary moment for Sky, for pay-TV and for broadcasting as a […]

January 31, 2012 Nick Snow

IP lobby v liberty?

A line in America’s national anthem claims the country as ‘the home of the free.’ Not for the first time, some Americans are claiming there must be a certain irony in the phrase. These are citizens who believe any restriction on the Internet is an enemy of innovation and, more importantly, their First Amendment rights […]

January 19, 2012 Nick Snow