Advanced Television


TAG certifications up 87% YOY

Digital advertising brand safety programme The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) has revealed that the number of certification seals held by companies rose by 87 per cent over the same points in 2020, as companies worldwide required their supply chain partners to comply with TAG’s Certified Against Fraud, Certified Against Piracy, Certified Against Malware, and Brand […]

March 9, 2021

IPONWEB’s Golbere: “TV advertising well-positioned”

TV advertising is well-positioned to address and benefit from market changes in 2021, believes Brian Golbere, SVP Technology, TV Solutions Group, IPONWEB He comments: “Increased and accelerating (viewer) audience fragmentation will result in an increased need to combine TV with other media buys. TV is dominated by traditional advertisers who work based on reaching a […]

December 8, 2020

Industry majors back Euro CTV initiative

The European Connected TV Initiative, a move focused on exploring the advertising opportunities emanating from the growth of connected TV (CTV) in Europe, has launched with support from Google, Roku, Fincons Group and IPONWEB. Working and collaborating

October 29, 2020By Colin Mann