Advanced Television

tim farrar

Farrar: “Small LEO players must consolidate”

Most observers in the industry agree that there are far too many smaller would-be low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite operators chasing broadband delivery and the ‘holy grail’ of direct-to-smartphone business. One consultant, Dr Tim Farrar (of TMF Associates) is blunt in saying “It’s quite plausible that rationality won’t return until the industry is in a […]

February 20, 2024By Chris Forrester

Starlink “making 100,000 dishes per month”

Geo-satellites will be resilient, but Starlink is winning the broadband connectivity battle and making 100,000 dishes per month, acording to Dr Tim Farrar, president of TMF Associates. Speaking at the 2023 Milsat Symposium (as part of the Silicon Valley Space Week), Farrar compared and contrasted the position of the well-established geostationary satellite operates such as […]

October 23, 2023By Chris Forrester