Advanced Television

Helfgott and Redniss announce Precise.AI

June 12, 2024

Media tech veterans Adam Helfgott and Jesse Redniss have announced the formation of Precise.AI, a first-of-its-kind data infrastructure for finding, acquiring, reaching and engaging bespoke audiences. The deal brings together consent and rights management technologies to optimise how data is collected, verified, utilised and s, maximising consumer and business benefits.

Central to Precise’s offering is its federated data network, which allows brands to leverage permissioned first-party data and enrich custom audiences with contextual insights in a privacy-safe manner. The decentralised approach ensures data remains secure within each partner’s environment, while still enabling powerful collaborative insights.

Precise will leverage Qonsent’s consumer-facing engagement tools to help people directly manage their relationships with brands and publishers. For companies, Qonsent provides the mechanisms for dynamic permission management to ensure data privacy and regulatory compliance.

“There are enormous legislative and logistical burdens put on companies that just want to engage consumers wherever they are. Precise is designed to solve all the biggest problems marketers face around identity, permissioning and targeting,” said Redniss who assumes the chief executive role after previously serving as Chief Innovation Officer for Warner Media, and was an executive at NBCU, TNT, TBS.

Qonsent will be combined with the robust back end data, identity and value attribution systems pioneered by Helfgott over the last decade, most recently at Valence. This includes proprietary systems for establishing verification of data ownership and provenance, encrypted systems for tracking data utilisation, and a decentralized approach to delivering precise value attribution back to data custodians using a federated data networking approach.

“The market is now ready for transformational technologies. Instead of cobbling together third-party signals like IP addresses and MAIDs, Precise is providing marketers a foundation built on first-party data,” said Helfgott, who founded Valence Labs and will advise Precise on technologies and engineering.

These turnkey technologies, designed to help data owners minimise risk and operational overhead while maximizing data utility and revenues, have been used by major league sports teams, telecommunication companies and brands. Together, Precise creates a unique end-to-end solution for optimizing ID and data management for more effective, brand-safe marketing, advertising and operational workflows.

Categories: Press Releases
