TV worldwide defies recession
September 13, 2011
IDATE’s 21st edition of its biannual “World TV Markets” says the worldwide market represents €301 billion in 2010, a progression of 7.8 per cent compared to 2009.
“Despite advertising spending’s sensitivity to economic activity, the effects of the 2008-2009 financial and economic crisis had less of an effect on the TV market than it did on worldwide GDP”, comments
Florence Le Borgne, Director of IDATE’s TV & Digital Content Business Unit. “Subscription revenue, constantly rising, left the TV market in the green in 2009 with a growth rate of 0.5 per cent. In 2010, the TV market growth rate rose to 7.8 per cent or 0.7 per cent less than worldwide GDP. However, for the period between 2007 and 2010, the rise in the worldwide TV market was 14 per cent compared to only 12.7 per cent for worldwide GDP.”
In 2010, the worldwide pay TV market had 690.2 million subscriber households, an increase of 7.6 per cent per year. With more than 490 million households, cable accounted for most of the subscriptions.
Nevertheless, its importance in the pay TV market is trending downward. Actually, cable still represented 79.5 per cent of subscriptions in 2007 compared to 71.5 per cent in 2010. In contrast, satellite increased its relative share as this reception mode went from 17.8 per cent of all subscriptions in 2007 to 22.3 per cent in 2010, or 154.1 million subscribers. Over the same period, IPTV gained 24 million households and its relative share grew by 3 points to 5.1 per cent. Finally, terrestrial television grew from 3.6 million subscriber households in 2007 to 4.5 million in 2010, with relative share stagnating by about 0.6 per cent. The growth in absolute value for paid terrestrial television can be explained by the expansion of DTT offers in Europe, such as in the United Kingdom, France and Italy and even in Scandinavia.
In 2010, 372.8 million households subscribing to a paid television offer worldwide are located in
Asia/Pacific (or more than half of the TV households in the region). Europe was the second largest region accounting for the largest number of subscriber households (22.7 per cent) followed by North America (16.7 per cent), Latin America (5.3 per cent) and the MEA region (1.6 per cent).
During the period of 2007-2010. the MEA and Latin America recorded the strongest growth, with an increase of 50.0 per cent and 53.1 per cent of subscriber households respectively. In the more mature markets of Europe and North America, subscriber households grew at an average growth rate of 6.8 per cent and 1.5 per cent respectively over the same period. In Asia/Pacific, subscriber households increased by more than 33.6 per cent between 2007 and 2010.