Uruguay pulls DTH licence
May 15, 2013
By Chris Forrester
Latino media giant Claro has lost its DTH licence in Uruguay. The licence has been revoked, according to the country’s Minister of Industry, Roberto Kreimerman. Claro, a subsidiary of America Movil, had anticipated starting its DTH broadcasting services shortly, and is now threatening a “multi-million dollar” lawsuit on the government.
The government action is reportedly based on concerns over the shareholding structure of the local division, and as a public company the government is said to want greater transparency in the Claro business.
Meanwhile, backing the government’s move are the nations many cable operators who fear Claro – and its parent company’s deep pockets – as a likely strong competitor. Also active in the region is DirecTV with its DTH bouquet said to be reaching more than 80,000 subscribers.
Claro sister company, Claro TV Peru, has just launched a 7-channel HBO high-def package which is additional to an existing 47-HD channels on offer.