News tops mobile TV viewing
June 26, 2013
Rentrak has released its initial findings on mobile broadcast television usage. Results from its new Mobile TV Essentials service shows news is the leading genre of content watched from Dyle mobile TV – a new service offering broadcast television on mobile devices in the US.
Key findings include:
– The average Dyle mobile TV device tunes in for more than 20 minutes per usage day
– Local and national network news represents more than half of the viewing time in some local markets
– Usage spikes during critical news cycles, such as during the manhunt for the Boston bombing suspects, in which total viewing minutes were 96 per cent higher than the week prior
– Daytime viewership between 6am and 4pm is a larger share of mobile TV usage. Forty-five percent of Dyle mobile TV viewership occurs during these hours, compared with 36 per cent of in-home TV viewership (according to Rentrak’s TV Essentials service)
“The results collected through the Dyle mobile TV service are very encouraging,” said Cathy Hetzel, corporate president of Rentrak. “With the rapid growth we are seeing in viewership, mobile television is proving to be a promising opportunity.”
“The work we’ve done over the past two and a half years to make live, local broadcast a reality is becoming more and more tangible based on the measurement and results derived from the Rentrak information,” said Salil Dalvi, co-general manager of Mobile Content Venture.
“The results clearly point out that broadcast TV is an important lifeline to all of us when we are on-the-go whether for entertainment, sports, or news programming.” Co-General Manager of MCV Erik Moreno added, “Rentrak gives us tremendous visibility into the key themes that will, over time, help us deliver a better service to our customers across the country.”