MEASAT partners for multimedia services
June 17, 2014
Satellite operator MEASAT is teaming up with test and measurement specialist Aviindos, communications service provider Maxis Communications and audiovisual technologist Village Island to showcase multimedia services over MEASAT-5.
Under the co-operation, IP multicast technology is being utilised to demonstrate multimedia distribution via the MEASAT-5 satellite. A live demonstration of the new service can be viewed at MEASAT’s Malaysian Pavilion Booth (Level B2, BG4-01) during CommunicAsia from 17 to 20 June 2014.
“MEASAT is demonstrating the MEASAT-5 capability to bridge connectivity in remote areas through not only broadband Internet and VoIP, but also through multimedia services using IP multicast technology,” said Raj Malik, Senior Vice President – Sales and Marketing, MEASAT. “We are delighted with the support provided by Maxis, Aviindos and Village Island in showcasing MEASAT-5’s potential.”
“Maxis’s VSAT technology platform and Aviindos’s and Village Island’s equipment enabled the successful testing of the new multimedia service and will be used during the live demonstration at CommunicAsia,” added Raj.
“Village Island and Aviindos have cooperated with MEASAT on various projects,” said Jonathan Triboulet, Sales Director, Village Island Asia. “With the strong time constraints we had in order to prepare this demonstration for CommunicAsia 2014, the Sencore units’ high reliability and ease of implementation came in handy. We provided our best technical support remotely and locally to ensure optimal streaming.”
“In line with our focus towards the broadcast and satellite industry, Aviindos is pleased to have supported MEASAT in the implementation of this IP multicast technology on MEASAT-5,” said Naveendran Murthy, Sales Director, Aviindos. “We are impressed with the overall team dedication to enable the upcoming live demonstration.”
MEASAT-5 provides 3Gbps of satellite broadband capacity across Malaysia. In partnership with telecommunications companies and vendors, the craft supports satellite broadband services to over 6,000 remote locations.